Laura Reckart, prosecutor for the Noor Almaleki honor killing, discusses the case at the AHA Foundation Honor Violence Symposium, the first-ever conference on honor violence in the US
The AHA Foundation provides both in-person and online training and education for law enforcement, educators, shelters, service providers and other organizations working to protect women and girls from Female Gential Mutilation, Honor Violence and Forced and Child Marriage.
If you would like to schedule live or in person training please email info@theahafoundation.org.
Female Genital Mutilation
AHA Foundation’s FGM training is customized to ensure that each frontline professional who may be called upon to protect those at risk of FGM, or who may have to respond to its consequences, is equipped with the relevant information and guidance to do what is required of them.
Online Portal Trainings on FGM
AHA’s American Medical Association FGM Trainings
AHA provides risk assessment training in response to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM/C) that helps professionals in the medical field and beyond better understand this harmful practice and engage with survivors and those at risk of FGM/C in a culturally sensitive manner. You can visit AHA’s Ed Hub landing page below or use the other links to access individual trainings directly.
AHA’s AMA Ed Hub landing page
American Medical Association FGM Trainings
AHA Foundation four courses online training about Female Genital Mutilation open to all medical professionals
Multidicipinary FGM Training
The AHA Foundation online training program for law enforcement, educators and service providers