17 honor killings in Belgium in five years

The Institute for Equality of Women and Men has filed an amicus brief in court in the case of the honor killing of Sadia Sheikh. The 20-year old woman of Pakistani origin, who had a relationship with a Belgian boy, was shot to death October 22 of last year, in front of her residence in Lodelinsart near Charleroi.
The tip of the iceberg, because according to professionals interviewed in the weekly magazine Knack thousands of girls and women in Belgium have to deal with honor revenge in the broad sense, “a complex series of problems to which almost nothing is being done.”

The full article is in Dutch.

via:[http://demorgen.be/dm/nl/989/Binnenland/article/detail/243295/2008/04/15/Zeventieneermoorden- in-Belgie-in-vijf-jaar-tijd.dhtml]