Countering the dangerous echo chamber of ideas on North American campuses, Father convicted of honor killings in Houston, Texas sentenced, and more

Dear AHA Foundation Supporter,

Thanks to supporters like you who make our work possible, we continue to speak up for those at risk and break the heavy silence about female genital mutilation (FGM) in the U.S. My most recent interview on FGM was featured on Firing Line with Margaret Hoover earlier this month and you can watch it here. Find how you can help stop FGM in your state here.

Because of your support, a year ago we founded our campus program, the Critical Thinking Fellowship (CTF). Our 22 campus fellows organize events to counter the dangerous ideological echo chamber on campuses across North America. Learn more about the program and a full year of CTF events that have spread like wildfire on campuses and social media from our CTF coordinator, Julia O’Donnell. Read Julia’s blog here.

In our blog about honor violence, we report about the recent conviction of Ali Mahwood-Awad Irsan in Houston, Texas. Irsan shot and killed his daughter’s friend and his son-in-law as honor killings after the pair helped his daughter escape his abusive family home.. These honor killings could have been prevented. We must not wait for more lives to be lost to take action against honor violence. Check out our Honor Violence Training to learn more.

Thank you for your commitment that fuels the movement against FGM, honor violence, and other harmful cultural practices.

With my deepest gratitude for your loyal support,

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Founder

Ayaan Hirsi Ali