What One Senate Hearing Taught Me About Discussing Islam in America – Huffington Post

“Mrs. Hirsi Ali, do you still think Islam is a death cult?” shouted a man wearing what looked like a prayer cap.

I am not an American citizen, but I do follow American politics. Maybe I’m wrong, but my guess is that few are the Senate hearings that start with a direct personal attack on one of the witnesses before their testimony.

That particular morning of June 14th 2017, Muslim reform advocate Ayaan Hirsi Ali made her entry into the Senate’s SD-342 room along with three other witnesses. A hearing of the Senate’s Homeland Security Committee was called to discuss the ideological root causes of violent extremism. I snatched a front-row seat.

Read more here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/59481e15e4b0f7875b83e4d3