
December 4, 2012

Marching Orders: Empower Women to Forge Their Own Way

The AHA Foundation is proud to announce that our founder, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, is one of the featured […]
November 16, 2012

Forced Marriage / Honor Violence in the News

If you don’t think forced marriage and honor-based violence are real problems in North America, recent news stories […]
October 22, 2012

Understanding Honor Violence: Lessons from the Jessica Mokdad Case

The verdict has been entered in the case against Rahim Alfetlawi for the murder of his 20-year-old stepdaughter, […]
October 16, 2012

A ‘Brave’ Stand: The Fight to End Forced Marriage

This blog first appeared on the Girls Not Brides website. By the Executive Director/General Counsel for the AHA […]
June 25, 2012

Mission TX Police Quick to Dismiss Honor Motive in Attempted Murders

Few details about a recent shooting of three in Texas have surfaced, but police officials are certain of […]
June 11, 2012

LA Governor Jindal Signs Bill Criminalizing Female Genital Mutilation

The AHA Foundation congratulates Governor Jindal and the Louisiana legislature for passing a bill that criminalizes female genital […]
April 3, 2012

A Family’s Honor: 48 Hours Mystery to Highlight US Honor Killing

March 15, 2012

AHA Foundation Supporter Update

AHA Foundation staff have been hard at work during the first months of 2012 and we are pleased […]
February 14, 2012

NJ Senator Weinberg Introduces AHA Foundation Bill Against Female Genital Mutilation

The AHA Foundation applauds New Jersey Senator Loretta Weinberg for introducing our bill to prohibit female genital mutilation […]
February 7, 2012

The Global War on Christians in the Muslim World – Ayaan Hirsi Ali in Newsweek

Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s article in Newsweek discusses that “From one end of the muslim world to the other, […]
January 30, 2012

Justice in Canadian Mass Honor Killing

Ayaan’s take on the verdict of the Shafia trial, also seen in the Huffington Post. After deliberating for […]
January 19, 2012

What’s in a Name: the Importance of Correctly Labeling Honor Killings

In Kingston, Ontario, the Shafia murder trial has entered its final stage.  Dozens of witnesses have testified in […]
January 11, 2012

Human Trafficking and Forced Marriage Are Closely Related Evils

Today is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.  At the AHA Foundation, we believe that human trafficking and forced […]
December 21, 2011

The AHA Foundation 2011 Annual Report

New York, New York December 2011 Dear AHA Supporter: We are pleased to present the AHA Foundation 2011 […]
November 8, 2011

Will Latest “Muhammad” Firebombing Cause More Self-Censorship?

See below for a blog by Ayaan Hirsi Ali on the firebombings of the Charlie Hebdo offices, first […]